Best. EP. Ever. EP's are usually overlooked by most but I'm a big of them particularly. An EP usually consists of music that wasn't finished or just didn't fit on a band's previous album or they didn't have enough material to put out a full studio album. I don't know the case for Girls but this EP is kind of a landmark for Indie Pop in my opinion. Only having 6 songs and having a running time of 30 minutes this EP doesn't lack content in any shape or form. It's cute, sad, and perfectly pieced together. Their music is stylized with a pinch of Elvis Costello, The Beatles, and The Beach Boys background ...I know I know...how? Just Listen. With the guitar, trumpets, synthesizers, and the many other instruments on this EP it makes a wonderful combination and creates a musical bliss. Girls have one other album (titled Album) and it is just as good, but this EP is a good stepping stone before you take the excursion into their life.


Past Works:

Thee Oh So Protective One
12/28/2010 09:24:52 am

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