There is something modest and genuine about Blitzen Trapper's soft, folky sound. The stories told on "Destroyer of the Void" are layed down in a style reminiscent of Bob Dylan (acoustic Bob Dylan, even though they use electric guitar at times), in fact there is a strong Dylan influence on this and other works by the band. A picture is painted for the listener through metaphors and periodically, clever limerick style rhyming. The album addresses themes of love, hate, death, godlessness, murder, and truth. This album is cool, in a way that's much easier recognized than described. The album is artsy. It's more poetry set to music than it is lyrics. On the track, "The Man Who Would Speak the Truth", we find the lyrics, "...so I opened my mouth like a dragon's breath. I only spoke truth, but it only brought death and I laid those boys to rest...for the truth, in truth is a terrible jest". There is a deep symbolism in many of their lyrics. The symbolism is specific enough that it is perceivable, yet still vague enough that it is open to the listener's unique interpretation. They say that a great painting is one that you can look at, and each time you do you will see something different. I feel that the latest album from Blitzen Trapper is one that can be listened to repeatedly, and the listener will continue to experience it in different ways. This record is complex and satisfying.


Previous Works:
Wild Mountain Nation
Field Rexx
Blitzen Trapper (self-titled)

The Man Who Would Speak True

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