When you first hear Anvil you might think you actually got hit with an actual anvil. That is how hard this album has hit fans and inspired other musicians in the metal genre itself. "Strength Of Steel" is one of the albums you usually find in every metal fan's collection. Very few artists have accomplished what Anvil has done on this album and that is to put out an album that is solid, in its entirety. With its crystal clear lyrics and soothing guitar solos this album is furious but peaceful as well. Listening to this album, you will find yourself head banging one moment and then laughing the next at the funny, and at times very sexual lyrics.


Past Works:
This Is Thirteen
Back To Basics
Still Going Strong
Plenty Of Power
Speed Of Sound
Absolutely No Alternative
Plugged In Permanent
Worth The Weight
Pound For Pound
Forged In Fire
Metal On Metal
Hard 'N' Heavy

Straight Between The Eyes
5/20/2012 06:18:17 pm

Looking forward to see cool stuff from you guys!

5/25/2012 04:24:50 pm

You are reallly a good guy. Thank you for your post.


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